There is no right or wrong way to smoke marijuana. Bongs are a popular way to smoke weed. Bongs have been a staple of smoking since antiquity. They also provide a water filtration system (the water) that traps ash and other smoke-related concerns and makes for a smoother and cooler toke.
They don’t clog as much as a standard pipe, which is a plus.
It’s important to learn how to properly hit a bong if you are a novice cannabis smoker. This article will cover everything you need to know about smoking from a bong in nz.
You may not know how a bong works if you are new to smoking cannabis. A bong can be broken down into five components.
- The bowl is the spherical stem attachment that allows you to pack in your cannabis and then light it.
- The carb is short for a carburetor. It’s the hole that the bowl slides out from. This allows you to exhale the smoke from your bong’s chamber and complete the hit. It will come with either a pull carb or a slide carb, depending on what type of bong it is.
- The downsteam is the tube that carries your hit (or the smoke) from the bowl to its base, where it can percolate through the water and cool down.
- The water chamber is located at the base of the bong.
- The tube is the secondary chamber, and it holds the smoke you inhale.
There are many types of bongs today that have additional components like an ice punch or extra percolator. Your preferences will dictate which one you choose.
Although it’s not rocket science to hit a bong, it is an art. It takes some practice to find your sweet spot, so don’t let any miscalculated rips get in your way.
Here’s how it works:
Full The Chamber With Water
First, fill the bong with clean, fresh water. Filtered water is the best. The amount of water you need will depend on how big your bong is. Make sure you pour enough water into the mouthpiece to submerge the bottom of your bong.
Pack The Bowl
Finely ground cannabis makes bong rips more appealing. To make this happen, use a grinder. To prevent the ground-up herb from slipping through, it’s a good idea not to remove all of the smaller pieces.
Remember that a little goes quite a distance. It will be harder to inhale if you overpackage your bowl.
Light The Bowl & Use Your Mouth To Drain The Mouthpiece
Use your non-dominant hand to hold the bong at its base. Next, place your lips on the mouthpiece to seal them. To light cannabis evenly, use your dominant hand to tilt the lighter vertically.
Inhale as you light the fire to draw the smoke upwards through the chamber. The goal at this stage is to fill the chamber, not the tube. The chamber will fill with smoke, then you can move on to the next step.
Pull The Stem Out And Let It Rip!
After the chamber has filled with smoke, you can turn off the lights and pull out the stem and bowl to inhale the smoke.
Hold It In (If You Can)
Keep the smoke inhaled for at least two to three seconds before exhaling. It happens to everyone.
You may be wondering how long you should wait before your next bong hit. You should wait at most for a few minutes. You can start to get more bong hits if you are a novice.
There are many ways to make your bong hit smoother, in addition to properly hitting it. These are the best tips for smoking from a bong.
1. Use A Ice Catcher
Some bongs have ice catchers. However, you don’t necessarily need those little notches to use the ice. Here are some benefits to using ice when you’re next bong rip:
- Because the smoke cools further, you can take more hits.
- The smoke is further filtered by this filter, as it adds another element to the smoke.
- The added layer of filtering enhances the flavor.
- It serves as a splash guard, especially when it is positioned above the water chamber.
Ice provides a more mild and smoother experience — all you need is four to six cubes.
2. Try Hitting Stacking
Smoking out from a bong is easy when you stack your hits. Hit stacking is when you take a bong hit, and the smoke builds up in the chamber, but it doesn’t move to the mouthpiece. This allows you to keep your bong running so that you can smoke more. The smoke stays in the tube and chamber, but you don’t have to inhale it until you decide.
Start slowly inhaling to stack bong hits. Slowly pull the bowl out to fill the chamber. Continue to inhale gently until you are out of breath. You can finally pull the bowl completely out and inhale rapidly. This will give you a lot of smoke, and you’ll be able to enjoy it quickly.
3. Practice Breathwork Before Taking Boong Hits
The goal of bong smoking is to be able to take in large quantities and keep yourself hydrated. You don’t want your fine grinds to go to waste.
To improve your breathing ability, you can practice breathwork to strengthen your diaphragm and open your lungs.
4. Content From Monitor Water
Before you take a hit, make sure that your bong has enough water. You should not submerge the downsteam in water. Otherwise, you could inhale bong water. Add enough water to reach approximately 1 inch above the tip of your downsteam.
There are many tips that you can use to improve your bong smoking experience, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned smoker. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid of trying new things!
You can also enjoy the bong without leaving behind a weed smell. This includes your bedroom, clothes, and everywhere else that smoke can go. You can find our odor-eliminating products, as well as many accessories, online today.