Retailers who have been in the business for a while know that purchasing wine is easy. The million other details – marketing efforts to keep the store top-of-mind, displays that move inventory, and processes to keep the shop operating smoothly and keeping customers happy – make a wine shop run efficiently and profitably.
I am a wine retailer, always looking for ways to boost sales and streamline processes with little effort. I ask my colleagues for tips and tricks. I talked with independent wine shops nationwide to discover what small changes can make a huge difference in business.
Man’s best friend
Keep your loyal customers, the four-legged ones, in mind. Lauren McPhate is the sales director for Tribeca Wine Merchants in New York City. She recommends keeping dog biscuits near the register. Getting foot traffic is easy by putting your shop on the canine-friendly route. William Ferguson, the wine sales consultant for Wharf in Washington, D.C., says he makes friends with every dog, which helps him make friends and customers.
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How to Make Change
Although most POS systems calculate change automatically, knowing how to distribute it is essential. Marissa Ocasio is the Education Director at Center Wine & Spirits in Glastonbury, Connecticut. She suggests you hand the coins before the bills so they won’t slip off. “I fold the receipt into half and give it to them.” The change can be put into your wallet faster. Rob Bralow is the general manager of Blue Streak Wine & Spirits, located in Long Island City, New York. He says a jar should always be available for customers to deposit loose coins. No one wants to carry around a bunch of metal in their pocket.
Low-Tech Way to Grow Your Mailing List
There are many ways to build a customer list for a store online. However, pay attention to the power of a simple sign-up form. My Hudson Valley shop Copake Wine Works always has a sign-up sheet on a clipboard to collect emails and names. We fill out the top line of a blank page because customers are reluctant to enter their information. We permanently remove the cap from the pen on the clipboard to prevent customers from taking it.
Packaging at Work
Danny Frounfelkner is the founder of Sipple in Houston. He repurposes all the packaging that producers and wholesalers send him. Bubble wrap, wholesale boxes, and can holders for four and six-packs are used to package the bottles. Shops that ship wine regularly can offer to buy shipping boxes from local wine influencers and publications. Stevie Stacionis of Bay Grape in Oakland and Bay Grape Napa in Napa says that while branded materials are essential, they should not be the only option.
Improve Cardboard Cutting Techniques
The cardboard inserts in wine boxes work well for separating bottles after bagging. What’s the fastest and most efficient way to pull them apart? Kilolo Strober, owner of fermented grapes Brooklyn, says that cardboard separation should not be done using scissors or paper cutters. If you’re using a blade, box cutter, or both, cut the cardboard inserts onto a surface that can’t be damaged. I like to use the straight edge on a counter when cutting cardboard inserts.
Be flexible when it comes to shelf sets
It’s important to break some rules when it comes to shelving. This will help keep your wine selections fresh and on the customers’ minds. Sarah O’Kelley is the wine director of The Exchange, a restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina. She says, “Don’t be too obsessed with bottom shelf philosophy.” This refers to the practice that lower-priced products are placed on lower shelves. Frounfelkner also agrees with the idea that flexibility is essential. “I put eyecatchers or wines that I know people will be looking for there to divert their attention from the middle shelves. He says the shelves will always look full by constantly moving products and brands around within their respective category sections. It can also create a rotating door of opportunities and representation by displaying different brands and products on other shelves, areas, and faces.
Bottles that Sell themselves
Get creative when creating bottle tags. This will allow your bottles to speak independently as your customers browse your shelves. Allegra Angelo is the cofounder and sommelier of Vinya Wine in Miami. She regularly orders shelf talkers with clever shop-specific names such as p aio Pounder, or I like pizza. Angelo says it’s a great way to convey subtle messages and sell products without overly salesy. Frounfelkner uses QR codes to guide customers through his store’s collection. He explains that the QR codes lead to a secret page on his website. We call it the “digital speakeasy.”
Be Creative with Bin Ends
Bin ends, one-offs and allocated bottles can take up more shelf space than they should. “I don’t want them to take up a full shelf, so I treat them like Easter eggs,” says Bianca Sanon. She is the co-owner of Paradise Books & Bread in Miami. I tuck different bottles behind others on the shelves. I let customers know there are always extras hidden somewhere. They feel more excited to shop, and like they’re part of a secret shopper’s game.
Choose your chilling options carefully
With some clever placements, you can turn the cold box into your shop’s secret weapon for sales. Bralow recommends putting high-margin products and less-known grapes in your fridge to encourage customers to buy them. “Keeping them in my fridge allows me to recommend them to someone on the move.” Refrain from listening to complaints that the customer’s desired product doesn’t exist in the refrigerator. They’ll still buy it, and also the cold item.