Brick city bar

If you are learning to tile or working in the construction industry in general, it is important to know how to construct a brick wall. This is where it all begins. We will show you how to build a small brick wall with a little patience and a few skills.

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It’s crucial to choose the right bricks when building a brick wall. You can choose from a variety of bricks. Solid, adobe, refractory, and more.

But there are three main categories of bricks:

Weather Resistant: is able to withstand direct soil contact and moisture. Ideal for building patios, garden walls, and foundations.

Intermediate Weather Resistance: is able to withstand temperatures below freezing and can work above the ground (but cannot be in direct contact).

Nonweatherproof: for indoor use only.

Calculate the number of bricks that you will need. Bricks are 9.2 x 5.8 x 19.3cm in size. Remember to include the space required between bricks, mortar, or adhesive. This should be 1.5-2 cm.

Tip – Buy more than you need to cover any shrinkage (broken parts).

To build a brick wall, we also need mortar. You can buy ready-made adhesives such as powdered cement mortar and mix it on-site. They are mixed with water with a paddle mixer rather than mixed with sand or cement.

STEP 1: Dig a trench for the foundation

Dig a trench to place the base for the brick wall. You will then fill it in with cement or concrete. Create a rectangular channel the same length and width as the wall that you wish to build and about 30-40 cm deep. You may need to dig a deeper or broader trench, depending on the height of your wall. Drainage away from the wall is important to avoid water pooling.


The stakes should be positioned so that the top points of the stakes are all level.

The height of all the bricks should be below the top of the trench. The first row of bricks will then be inside the foundation. Use the level to make sure the tops of the stakes are level.

STEP 3 – FILL THE TRENCH with concrete or cement for a brick wall

Fill the hole to the top of the stakes, leaving space at the edge of your trench that you have measured for the first row of bricks. Before it starts to dry, make sure that the top is level and smooth. Concrete or cement sets in 2-3 days.


You can use these measuring rods or indicator posts to ensure that the wall is flat. Mark 2 boards with nails at the location of each course, or row, of bricks. Remember always to consider the thickness of the mortar. You should be able to nail the boards in the ground at the ends of the wall without any support. The panels should be built to the same height as the brick wall.

STEP 5: Lay down tarps or wood

Remember! Place tarps at the base of your wall to catch any excess mortar that falls.

STEP 6: Lay the first row of bricks for the Brick Wall

To test the location of the mortar, place the first course on the foundation. The tape measure will help you to ensure that they are at the right distance and fit into the trench. Before you begin building the first row, plan how it will look.


Use a thread, rope, or other guide to join the first nail marks of both boards. This will allow you to work in a straight line.


As we construct a new row, we will continue to go up the nail. The first row will be buried into the trench, so this will help us build the second. Do not let the thread or line slack. To create a solid, level wall that is structurally sound, the thread or string must be taut.

STEP 9: Soak the bricks in water

If the mortar becomes too thin, it may be necessary to soak the bricks until they stop dripping. They will absorb water from the mortar if we don’t wash them. It can cause problems with the mortar’s setting. It is called “drowning”.

STEP 10: First coat of mortar on the brick wall

Place the first layer of cement mortar using the trowel along the footing. As you gently press the bricks into place and squeeze the mortar out, add a little bit more than 1.5 to 2 cm.

STEP 11: First brick in the brick wall

Use the level and guide string to ensure that the brick is positioned level. Use the excess mortar to build the next bricks. Add some mortar to the joint after the first brick has been placed.


You will coat the brick end with mortar before pushing it against the brick you have just laid. It is important to apply a uniform layer of artillery at the specified thickness. As you place it, press it against the brick. Use the tape to measure the distance between the bricks.


You can press down on the mortar layer that you have placed on the base. The level will help you align the bricks and ensure they are at the same height. Press them lightly down to ensure they are perfectly positioned. Remove any excess mortar while you work. The cannon will bulge when you press the bricks for the 1.5 to 2cm joint.


Continue adding bricks to the row until it is complete. Continue to lay in the same way, covering the base with mortar and pressing the bricks into place. Check the alignment using the level. Use the level and measuring tape with each brick.

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